Your teacher asks you to write a paper that supports a claim with evidence. In three to five sentences, describe one claim you would like to make and discuss different forms of evidence you can collect to support your claim. Where would you look for this evidence? (4 points) Write it in kid’s words plz

11 answers

I would like to make the claim that eating breakfast every day helps kids do better in school. Some forms of evidence I can collect to support this claim include research studies that show a link between breakfast and academic performance, data from schools that provide breakfast programs and see improvements in student grades, and personal stories from kids who notice a difference in their focus and energy after eating breakfast. I can look for this evidence by searching online for articles and studies, talking to teachers and school administrators about their observations, and interviewing students about their own experiences with breakfast.
Wayyyy shoter
Eating breakfast helps kids do better in school. I can support this claim by looking at research studies, data from schools with breakfast programs, and personal stories from students. I can find this evidence online, by talking to teachers and school staff, and by interviewing kids.
No! Make it better
I believe that eating breakfast every day can help kids do better in school. To support this claim, I can gather evidence from research studies that show the benefits of breakfast on academic performance, data from schools that have implemented breakfast programs and witnessed improvements in student success, and testimonials from students who have noticed a positive impact on their focus and energy levels after eating breakfast. I can find this evidence by searching for articles online, consulting with educators and school administrators, and interviewing fellow students about their breakfast habits and academic achievements.
Okay, now keep that exact thing, just cut maybe 2-3 sentences off
I believe that eating breakfast every day can help kids do better in school. To support this claim, I can gather evidence from research studies, data from schools with breakfast programs, and personal stories from students. I can find this evidence by searching online, talking to teachers and school staff, and interviewing kids.
Write me a better claim idea
Sure! Here's a new claim idea:

Regular physical activity helps improve children's concentration and academic performance in school.
Okay,now write that in 2 sentences plz
Regular physical activity improves children's concentration and academic performance in school. This claim can be supported by research studies that show the benefits of exercise on cognitive function and testimonials from teachers and students who have noticed improvements in focus and grades due to physical activity.