in March, total sales were 9.00 * 125 * 31 = 34875.00
In April, (assuming 30 days, 15 days per half-month)
1st half: 9.00*125 * 15 = 16875.00
2nd half: 11.00*125 * 15 = 20625.00
total: 37500
avg at 11.50 = 43125
so she falls 5625 short.
Two items need clarification... There's quite a bit of wiggle room here for adjusting the numbers.
We have to assume that all the employees average 125 transactions per shift.
How to count the month of April, since 30 days are not exactly two weeks plus two weeks.
For all I know, your $5000 is correct. How did you figure it?
Your store’s average basket (transaction) size for the month of March was $11.50 and you believe the average basket size will remain the same for your store in April. One of your hourly employees had an average basket size of $9.00 for the month of March and averaged 125 transactions per shift. If the same employee’s average basket size was $9.00 for the first two weeks of April but improved to $11.00 for the second two weeks of April, her sales will now be how much lower than the average for your store?
is this correct is it $5000
2 answers
How many shifts do each of you work per week?