Your school district provides substance use and abuse education to all students in grades K-12. As part of this education, they have asked some older students to create a skit for the middle school students. You’ve been asked to create a skit surrounding a situation in which kids face peer pressure involving drugs and alcohol. Several students stand up to the peer pressure, and they provide information in defense of their decision.

Step 1: Brainstorm Ideas
Think about how you will approach your skit. Where will this take place? Who will be involved in the scene? What type of drugs and alcohol will be offered? What are your characters’ names?

Step 2: Write the Script
Get creative and start imagining what might take place. In your script, you must include the following:

Refusal, negotiation, and collaboration skills
The harmful effects (physical, mental, social, and legal consequences) of alcohol and drugs
The relationship between alcohol and drugs and unsafe situations such as HIV, STIs, unplanned pregnancies, and motor vehicle accidents
The effects of alcohol and drugs on body systems

Step 3: Reflect on Your Script
At the bottom of your document, answer the following questions using complete sentences:

How can peer pressure work to influence both healthy and unhealthy behaviors? How is this demonstrated in your script?
What strategies did your character(s) use to avoid drugs and alcohol? How effective were these strategies and why? Could you apply these same skills to avoid other risky situations involving topics like violence, gangs, and weapons? How so?
What types of refusal, negotiation, and collaboration skills were demonstrated in the script? How effective were these skills and why?

1 answer


Title: “Standing Strong”

- Maya, the peer pressurer
- Alex, the main character
- Sam, Maya’s friend
- Rachel, Alex’s friend

(Scene opens in the school cafeteria. Maya approaches Alex with a bottle of alcohol in hand.)
Maya: Hey Alex, want to try some of this? It’ll make you feel good.

Alex: No thanks, I don’t drink alcohol. It's not good for my health.

Maya: Come on, just one sip won’t hurt!

Alex: I appreciate the offer, but I’ll have to pass. I know the harmful effects that alcohol can have on my body and mind.

Maya: (getting frustrated) Fine, suit yourself. But you’re missing out!

(Sam joins Maya and starts pressuring Alex as well)

Sam: What’s the harm in trying? Everyone else does it.

Rachel: (interrupts) Hey Alex, don’t listen to them. Alcohol can lead to risky behaviors and dangerous situations. It's not worth it.

Alex: (grateful) Thanks, Rachel. I know that peer pressure can sometimes lead to unhealthy choices, but it’s important to stand strong and make decisions that align with our values and well-being.

(Maya and Sam storm off in frustration, leaving Alex and Rachel)

Rachel: You handled that situation really well, Alex. I’m proud of you for standing up to peer pressure.

Alex: Thanks, Rachel. It’s important to have refusal, negotiation, and collaboration skills to navigate these types of situations.


Peer pressure can influence both healthy and unhealthy behaviors by either encouraging individuals to make positive choices or pushing them towards negative ones. In our script, Maya and Sam exemplify how peer pressure can lead to unhealthy behaviors like alcohol consumption. On the other hand, Alex and Rachel demonstrate how standing strong in the face of peer pressure can result in making healthy decisions.

Alex used the strategy of refusal to avoid drugs and alcohol, backed up by knowledge of the harmful effects they can have. This was an effective strategy in this situation because it allowed Alex to maintain his values and protect his health. These skills can definitely be applied to avoid other risky situations involving topics like violence, gangs, and weapons by standing firm in one's values and making informed decisions.

The script demonstrates negotiation skills by Alex explaining his reasons for refusing alcohol and Rachel offering support and alternative perspectives. Collaboration skills were shown through Alex and Rachel working together to resist peer pressure. These skills were effective in this scenario as they helped Alex make a well-informed decision and receive support from a friend.