Your resting heart rate is a good indication of fitness. The more physically fit you are, the lower your resting heart rate will be. It is lower, because your heart is not required to work as hard to supply the body with oxygenated blood.

In addition, it takes a long long time for fit people to recover from exercise,

In addition, it takes less time for fit people to recover from exercise.

1 answer

In addition, fit people have a higher cardiovascular efficiency, meaning their heart and lungs can deliver oxygen to the muscles more effectively during exercise. This leads to quicker recovery times after physical exertion.

Fit individuals also have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and conditions due to their stronger and more efficient cardiovascular system. A lower resting heart rate is often associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and other cardiac issues.

Furthermore, a lower resting heart rate indicates a healthier heart muscle. The heart becomes stronger and more efficient in pumping blood, allowing it to beat fewer times per minute at rest.

Overall, a lower resting heart rate is a positive sign of physical fitness and overall cardiovascular health.