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A common motif in the poetry of this unit is death. How do the various poets address the element of death? How is death used as a motif? Use examples from at least two of the poems studied to show how death is expressed as a motif throughout these pieces of literature. Use the following list to recall the poems studied in this unit.
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"In Memoriam, A.H.H."- Tennyson
Mouse icon In Memoriam, A.H.H. by Alfred Lord Tennyson
"Crossing the Bar"- Tennyson
Mouse icon Crossing the Bar by Alfred Lord Tennyson
1 answer
Death is a prominent motif in the poetry of this unit, particularly in the works of Alfred Lord Tennyson. In "In Memoriam, A.H.H.," Tennyson reflects on the death of his friend, Arthur Henry Hallam, and grapples with grief and loss throughout the poem. Hallam's death becomes a central theme as Tennyson navigates his emotions and questions the nature of life and the afterlife. Similarly, in "Crossing the Bar," Tennyson uses the metaphor of crossing the sea to represent the journey of life towards death. The poem conveys a sense of acceptance and peace towards the inevitable end, suggesting a belief in the continuation of the soul beyond physical death. Death is used as a motif to explore the complexities of human emotions and thoughts towards mortality, offering different perspectives on the subject through these two poems.