Your power point was very well done. It looks great visually. It explains the pros and cons well. My question for you though is: What is your opinion on vertical cities? Are you for or against them and why? I am against vertical cities. One reason is because I love nature, and I think I would become depressed and maybe claustrophobic being stuck inside a huge building.
Could you reply to this pretending you like the vertical city's idea
1 answer
Thank you for your feedback on my presentation. Regarding vertical cities, I am actually in favor of them. I believe that vertical cities offer a sustainable solution to urbanization and overpopulation, allowing for efficient land use and reducing the negative impact on the environment. Additionally, vertical cities can promote a sense of community and connectivity among residents, as well as offering convenient access to amenities, services, and public transportation. Overall, I see vertical cities as a way to create innovative and livable urban spaces for the future.