Your job is to take on the role of an attorney presenting the "Closing Arguments" at the end of a criminal trial. You will be defending Victor Frankenstein on this trial. Remember to think from both sides and be creative in your defense. You will treat this as a legitimate case.

List all possible arguments for his defense, this includes what the prosecution might use against you. List all responses to the opposition's points. Therefore, you must consider both points of view. Use your own opinion when developing your critical insight.
And remember that your work must be between 3-4 paragraphs, and cite the novel whenever possible.

1 answer

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, in the case of Victor Frankenstein, I urge you to consider the full picture before making your decision. While it is true that Victor may have brought about tragic consequences by creating the creature, we must acknowledge the circumstances that led him to do so. Victor was a young and ambitious scientist who chased after knowledge without truly comprehending the consequences of his actions. As he himself admits in Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein, "Who shall conceive the horrors of my secret toil as I dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave?"(Shelley, 37). It is crucial to understand that Victor did not have malicious intent when creating the creature; rather, he was driven by the desire to push the boundaries of science.

The prosecution may argue that Victor should be held responsible for the deaths caused by the creature. However, it is important to recognize that the creature acted out of a sense of abandonment and betrayal, not due to any inherent evil within Victor. As the creature laments in the novel, "I am malicious because I am miserable"(Shelley, 134). Victor's failure to take responsibility and provide guidance to his creation created a chain of events that led to tragedy. It was Victor's neglect and rejection that ultimately pushed the creature to seek revenge and wreak havoc.

In conclusion, I urge you, the jury, to consider Victor's actions within the context of his time and his motives. While he may have made grave mistakes in creating the creature, it is important to recognize that he did not act out of malice or intent to harm. Victor Frankenstein should not be held solely responsible for the consequences of his creation. Thank you for your attention and thoughtful consideration in this matter.