To evaluate your friend I Do's argument about the potential connection between prehistoric cave paintings and shamans, it would be essential to look for certain types of evidence or reasoning that could strongly support this theory. Here are some arguments that could lend credence to her theory:
Symbolism and Ritual: If the cave paintings depict symbols or scenes that are consistent with shamanistic practices, such as ceremonial rituals or spiritual journeys, this could suggest that they were created by shamans. For example, imagery representing animals associated with spiritual power or transformation could indicate a shaman's connection to the spiritual world.
Altered States of Consciousness: Evidence that suggests the use of altered states of consciousness (meditation, trance, or the use of hallucinogenic substances) during neolithic times could point to shamanistic behavior. If cave art correlates with locations believed to be significant for these practices, it could strengthen the theory.
Location of the Paintings: If the paintings are found in remote or hard-to-reach areas of caves that would likely be exclusive to those engaged in spiritual practices—like shamans—this could support the argument. Shamans might have used these locations for their rituals, making the paintings part of their spiritual expression.
Comparative Archaeology: Drawing parallels between the artwork in prehistoric caves and shamanistic art from other cultures—past or present—could serve as a compelling argument. If similar patterns, themes, or techniques are observed across different cultures known for shamanistic traditions, this suggests a commonality in motivations for creating such art.
Cultural Context and Function: If anthropological studies indicate that cave paintings served a specific cultural or spiritual function related to shamanism—such as marking territories, conveying messages, or invoking spirits—this could reinforce her claim. Evidence of community rituals or belief systems linked to the paintings could further bolster the theory.
Among these arguments, the strongest would likely be the evidence of symbolism and ritual, as this directly connects the paintings to the beliefs and practices associated with shamans. If your friend can present compelling examples of cave art that encapsulate these aspects, her theory may gain substantial credibility.