1. Call 911 or seek medical help immediately. It is important to get professional medical assistance when someone experiences a head injury, especially if they are experiencing symptoms like dizziness and nausea.
2. Stay with your friend and keep him calm and talking. Encourage him to lie down on his back with his head elevated slightly.
3. Keep an eye on his condition and monitor for any changes. If he loses consciousness, has difficulty breathing, or shows signs of worsening symptoms, update the medical professionals when they arrive.
4. Do not allow your friend to try to stand up or move around on his own, as this could potentially worsen his injury.
5. While waiting for medical assistance, check if your friend is responsive and breathing normally. If necessary, perform CPR if he becomes unresponsive and stops breathing.
6. Do not remove his helmet, as it may provide important protection for his head injury.
7. Gather any information about the incident, such as how the fall occurred, to provide to the medical professionals.
Remember, it is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to head injuries. Getting immediate medical help can prevent any potential complications and ensure your friend receives the necessary care.
Your friend fell off his skateboard and hit his head he was wearing a helmet but he cannot stand up he says he feels dizzy and might vomit what should you do
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