you work in the marketing department of a small sportswear and accessories, but a proposal to diversify into sports shoes is under consideration. your marketing director asks you to write a report on the advantages and disadvantages of entering the sports shoe market to help him prepare for a meeting to discuss the proposed diversification. Write a report in a suitable form to present to your marketing director. make up whatever names and information you need.

2 answers

The best way to do this is present the information as a SWOT analysis. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

So some things you might consider

in line with current business, staff already 'talk' about this market

large initial cash outlay to have stock as you need to have stock for many sizes and makes.
storage will cut down selling area,
needs different display to sportwear - another cash outlay.

new market for you, and may increase foot fall because of people looking for sports shoes, hence may sell more sportswear and accessories.

a saturated market, many stores including supermarkets stock sport shoes.
Thank you very much for your help.