you wish to combine two samples, one sample contains is solid water at 0 degree celsius.The other sample contains liquid water at 100 degree celsius,you want to combine both raise the temperature to 100 but boil off only 50 ml to gas phase keep the rest as liquid.How much energy is neededfor this?Both is 100ml(iceand liquid water)
But already final temp is given as 100..
1 answer
Follow the instructions I gave. Actually there are two final temperatures and that's why I said to work the problem in steps. The FIRST final T which I've listed as Tfinal is the final T of the ice water + 100 C water. The ice melts and lowers the temperature of the 100 C water and you must know what that final T is so you will know how much energy to use to raise the temperature of that water BACK up to 100 C, then boil off 50 mL. That second 100 C is what you're calling final T. That isn't what my Tfinal is.