you will research a little-known hero from the Revolutionary War era and provide a summary about his or her life and contribution to the war. Your portfolio assessment can be an essay, a slide show presentation, a video, or some other method (be sure to get permission from your teacher before you start). Your final product will include the following information about the person you choose to research: brief summary of the person’s life contributions to the Revolutionary War, including events leading to the outbreak of the war or contributions made during the war why you think this person is a hero Your subject should not be someone obvious or famous such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Marquis de Lafayette, or Benedict Arnold, for example. Try to find someone who was just an average citizen or low-ranking soldier who stepped up in a time of need. Your portfolio assignment has three steps: Research your chosen person. Organize your research. Develop your essay....

1 answer

Research on a Little-Known Hero of the Revolutionary War: Joseph Plumb Martin

Brief Summary of Joseph Plumb Martin's Life

Joseph Plumb Martin was born on November 21, 1760, in Connecticut. He grew up in a humble household and, when he was just 15 years old, he enlisted in the Continental Army in 1776 to defend the revolutionary cause. His early life was shaped by the growing tension between the American colonies and Great Britain, witnessing first-hand the struggles of his fellow citizens and the call for liberty.

Contributions to the Revolutionary War

Martin served as a private and, later, as a fifer in the 8th Connecticut Regiment. He participated in numerous critical campaigns throughout the Revolutionary War, including the Siege of Yorktown, which culminated in the British surrender in 1781. His soldier's perspective was crucial for understanding the everyday experiences of the troops—he kept a detailed journal that chronicled hardships faced by ordinary soldiers, including food shortages, harsh weather, and the mental toll of prolonged conflict.

In his writings, Martin described the grueling conditions of military life: long marches, meager rations, and the constant fear of skirmishes. He also noted the camaraderie and resilience among the soldiers, emphasizing how teamwork was essential for survival.

Martin's service to the Continental Army reflects the broader story of countless individuals who fought for independence. After the war, he returned home and lived a life dedicated to public service, working various jobs and eventually settling down to raise a family.

Why Joseph Plumb Martin is a Hero

Joseph Plumb Martin embodies the qualities of an unsung hero. While figures like Washington and Jefferson are often celebrated, it's the ordinary men and women—like Martin—who formed the backbone of the American Revolution. His willingness to enlist at such a young age during a tumultuous time demonstrates immense courage and commitment to the ideals of liberty and justice.

Moreover, his documentation of the soldier's experience provides invaluable insight into the personal sacrifices made by countless individuals for the sake of a greater cause. Martin's reflections serve as a powerful reminder that heroism is often found in the struggles of everyday people. His voice continues to educate us today, providing a deeper understanding of the Revolutionary War beyond the battles and politics, highlighting the human spirit's resilience during adversity.

Organizing Research

  1. Introduction

    • Brief introduction to Joseph Plumb Martin
    • The relevance of studying lesser-known figures from the Revolutionary War
  2. Early Life

    • Birth and upbringing in Connecticut
    • Motivation to join the war at age 15
  3. Military Service

    • Enlistment in the Continental Army
    • Detailed accounts of key engagements (e.g., Siege of Yorktown)
    • Challenges faced during service
  4. Post-War Contributions

    • Life after the war and community involvement
    • Importance of documented experiences and memoirs
  5. Legacy and Recognition

    • Why Martin’s contributions matter today
    • His portrayal as an unsung hero
  6. Conclusion

    • Summary of Martin’s impact on the Revolutionary War narrative
    • The importance of remembering everyday heroes in history

Developing the Essay

In writing the essay, I would ensure it has an engaging introduction that captures the reader's attention, followed by well-structured paragraphs covering each key point outlined in the organization section. The essay will highlight both Martin's contributions to the war and his lasting legacy, ultimately arguing that his experiences exemplify true heroism in the face of adversity.

Final Product

The final presentation of this research could take the form of a written essay, a slideshow presentation incorporating visuals of historical imagery, or even a video documenting Joseph Plumb Martin's life and contributions. I would seek feedback and approval from my teacher for the chosen format beforehand to ensure clarity and engagement for the audience.