You will investigate potential risk factors that lead to atrocities.

• Review the Rwandan Genocide of 1994, and the events that occurred in Darfur in 1990 through the 2000s.
• During your research you will review appropriate government responses to risk factors, and the potential outcomes if there is no intervention.
• Using what you learn about the factors leading to genocide and effective communication, explain how the opportunities for a historical genocide occurred and how they can be avoided.
Question 1: Choose a Topic
Step 1)
• Read pages 1-8 in unit 5 lesson 12 to get the general background information about genocide, types of factors, types of responses, and background information about the two historical events you must
choose from.
• Then open {This Article} which covers the framework analysis for atrocity crimes. Jump to page 7 which is the table of contents, review the table of content topics and then move to step 2.
Step 2)
• Choose either Rwanda(*ruh waan duh") OR Darfur ("Daar-Foor") on which to complete further research.
• You need to determine the factors that enabled the atrocity to occur.
Access the UN website for risk factors that contribute to genocides and ethnic cleansings
Which event do you choose to research and complete your portfolio on? (Answer Here)
Step 3)
List the three most important UN risk factors present in the event you chose. Remember risk factors can be reviewed on page 7 of the framework of analysis for atrocity crimes document.
First Risk Factor: (Answer Here)
Second Risk Factor: (Answer Here)
Third Risk Factor: (Answer Here)
Step 4)
What factors and/or policies created opportunities for genocide to occur? Describe the events leading up to the event you chose.
(Answer Here)
Step 5)
List all the sources you used to answer the questions above. This should include the article provided to you and any additional sources you found.
(Answer Here)
Question 2: How To Respond
Step 1)
• To get started, review the common types of factors on page 4 of unit 5 lesson 12. The first part of your answer should list the various risk factors for atrocity crimes, for example, what we need to monitor and look out for:
• To get started, review the common types of responses on page 5 of unit 5 lesson 12. The second part of your answer should describe how government and nongovernmental organizations should respond to avoid atrocities after identifying those risk factors.
Step 2)
In your own words describe the common types of factors that lead to atrocities.
(Answer Here)
Step 3)
Based on your research during this portfolio, what actions should government and nongovernmental organizations take to avoid atrocities?
(Answer Here)
Step 4)
List all the sources you used to answer the questions above. This should include the article provided to you and any additional sources you found.
(Answer Here)

1 answer

Question 1: Choose a Topic

I choose to research the Rwandan Genocide of 1994.

First Risk Factor: Dehumanization and polarization of the targeted group
Second Risk Factor: Weak state institutions and lack of accountability
Third Risk Factor: Presence of discriminatory ideologies and propaganda

Factors and policies that created opportunities for genocide include the colonial legacy of Belgium favoring the Tutsi minority, the assassination of the Rwandan president which triggered the genocide, and the international community's reluctance to intervene.

- UN website on risk factors for genocides and ethnic cleansings
- Framework analysis for atrocity crimes document
- Additional research on the Rwanda Genocide of 1994

Question 2: How To Respond

Common types of factors that lead to atrocities include discrimination, dehumanization, political instability, and weak governance.

Government and nongovernmental organizations should respond by promoting human rights and accountability, supporting peacebuilding initiatives, strengthening democratic institutions, and addressing root causes of conflict through diplomacy and mediation.

- Unit 5 lesson 12 on common types of factors and responses
- Additional research on effective responses to genocide and atrocities.