You will create a comic strip or graphic novel.
Illustration (picture/drawing) on each page
10 pages (minimum) with
a picture/drawing on each page.
2 sentences per page (20 sentences total)-you are telling a story
You must use at least 2 times total:
The se impersonal
The command form of usted
The use of “por”
Must come from the vocabulary you have learned. Do not use a translator.
Keep your sentences simple.
Story Grandma walking through the park with her grandbaby and two dogs, then grandpa and the baby feed some birds, then when the sun starts seting they head home. Then the next morning grandpa and the baby go to water their plants. Afterward the grandpa teaches the baby how to play cricket. Then some there done, they go back inside where the baby has tea with grandma. Then when grandma has finished having tea she makes the baby try on some new clothes.One there done she knits.
1 answer
Page 2: El abuelo y el niño alimentan a los pájaros con pan. (Grandpa and the baby feed the birds with bread.)
Page 3: Por la tarde, el sol comienza a ponerse y regresan a casa. (In the evening, the sun starts setting and they head home.)
Page 4: A la mañana siguiente, el abuelo y el niño van a regar las plantas. (The next morning, grandpa and the baby go to water the plants.)
Page 5: Después, el abuelo enseña al niño a jugar cricket. (Afterward, grandpa teaches the baby how to play cricket.)
Page 6: Ya terminado, vuelven adentro donde el niño toma té con la abuela. (Once they are done, they go back inside where the baby has tea with grandma.)
Page 7: Cuando la abuela termina el té, hace que el niño pruebe ropa nueva. (When grandma finishes her tea, she makes the baby try on new clothes.)
Page 8: Una vez hecho esto, ella teje mientras el niño juega. (Once that is done, she knits while the baby plays.)
Page 9: Por la noche, la familia cena juntos y se preparan para dormir. (At night, the family eats dinner together and get ready to sleep.)
Page 10: Todos están felices y agradecidos por un día lleno de amor y diversión. (Everyone is happy and grateful for a day full of love and fun.)