You will create a comic strip or graphic novel.

Illustration (picture/drawing) on each page

10 pages (minimum) with

a picture/drawing on each page.

2 sentences per page (20 sentences total)-you are telling a story

You must use at least 2 times total:
The se impersonal
The command form of usted
The use of “por”

Must come from the vocabulary you have learned. Do not use a translator. Keep your sentences simple.

1 answer

Page 1:
The sea is calm and the sun is shining. The children play in the sand.

Page 2:
"¡Por favor, tráigame una soda!", asks the little girl. The waiter nods and brings her a can.

Page 3:
The seagulls fly above, searching for fish. The fisherman casts his net into the water.

Page 4:
"¡No corra cerca del agua!", warns the lifeguard. The boy stops and nods.

Page 5:
The waves crash against the shore. The surfers ride them with skill.

Page 6:
"¡Por favor, mantenga la playa limpia!", reminds the sign. The family picks up their trash.

Page 7:
A storm approaches, dark clouds gathering overhead. The tourists hurry to their cars.

Page 8:
The wind picks up and the rain begins to fall. The umbrellas come out.

Page 9:
"¡Vámonos a casa antes de que sea peor!", urges the mother. The children follow her to safety.

Page 10:
The storm passes and the sun comes out again. The beach is peaceful once more.