Page 1:
[Image: A person walking through a dark alley at night]
The mystery of the night envelops the city.
Page 2:
[Image: The person encounters a shadowy figure]
¡Alto! ¿Qué haces aquí?
Page 3:
[Image: The figure emerges from the shadows]
Por favor, no tengas miedo de mí.
Page 4:
[Image: The figure extends a hand]
Te guiaré a un lugar seguro.
Page 5:
[Image: The person follows the figure down a narrow path]
Te llevaremos por un camino secreto.
Page 6:
[Image: The figure leads the person through a hidden doorway]
Aquí estarás a salvo.
Page 7:
[Image: The person looks around at the cozy hiding spot]
Gracias por ayudarme.
Page 8:
[Image: The figure nods and disappears into the shadows]
Cuida de ti mismo, amigo.
Page 9:
[Image: The person emerges back into the city streets]
El misterio de la noche sigue vivo.
Page 10:
[Image: The person walks away, grateful for the stranger's kindness]
Por siempre recordaré a mi misterioso guardián.
You will create a comic strip or graphic novel.
Illustration (picture/drawing) on each page
10 pages (minimum) with
a picture/drawing on each page.
2 sentences per page (20 sentences total)-you are telling a story
You must use at least 2 times total:
The se impersonal
The command form of usted
The use of “por”
Must come from the vocabulary you have learned. Do not use a translator. Keep your sentences simple.
1 answer