You will be creating a court case around a children’s story or fairy tale. Name of the children's story or fairy tale upon which your trial will be based. Who are the major characters? What was the incident that will go to trial?

11 answers

Title: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Major Characters:
1. Goldilocks - a young girl who enters the home of the Three Bears uninvited
2. Papa Bear - the largest and oldest bear
3. Mama Bear - the middle bear
4. Baby Bear - the smallest and youngest bear

Goldilocks enters the home of the Three Bears without permission and proceeds to eat their porridge, break Baby Bear's chair, and sleep in Baby Bear's bed. When the bears return home and find Goldilocks asleep in Baby Bear's bed, they are shocked and upset. Goldilocks is then caught and must face a trial for her actions in the Bears' home.
make it sound like a 7th grader wrote it
Title: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

1. Goldilocks - a girl who goes into the bears' house without asking
2. Papa Bear - the biggest bear
3. Mama Bear - the middle bear
4. Baby Bear - the smallest bear

The Incident:
Goldilocks goes into the bears' house when they're not there. She eats their breakfast, breaks Baby Bear's chair, and sleeps in his bed. When the bears come back and find her sleeping, they get mad. Goldilocks gets in trouble and has to go to court for what she did.
Type of case - Civil or Criminal? Explain which and why. make it sound like a 7th grader
Type of Case: Civil

It's a civil case because Goldilocks didn't mean to do anything bad to the bears. She just made a mistake by going into their house without asking. The bears want to make sure they get something back for the damage Goldilocks caused, like fixing Baby Bear's chair and saying sorry for scaring them. So, it's not like she did something really, really bad on purpose, just made a little mistake.
Evidence that the plaintiff or prosecuting attorney will introduce, including witnesses:
Evidence and Witnesses:
1. The Three Bears - Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear will testify about what happened when they found Goldilocks in their home and the damages she caused.
2. Baby Bear's broken chair - The broken chair will be presented as physical evidence of the damage caused by Goldilocks.
3. Leftover porridge - The bowl of uneaten porridge left by Goldilocks will be shown as proof that she entered the Bears' home without permission.
4. Goldilocks' hair or clothing fibers - If found in Baby Bear's bed or on the broken chair, they will be presented as evidence that Goldilocks was at the scene of the incident.
5. Eye witnesses - Any other animals or creatures who may have seen Goldilocks entering the Bears' home or committing the acts in question.
make it sound like a 7th grader wrote it
Evidence and Witnesses:
1. The Three Bears - Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear will tell the court what they saw when they got back home and found Goldilocks sleeping in Baby Bear's bed and the broken chair.
2. Baby Bear's broken chair - They'll show the chair that got broken by Goldilocks.
3. Leftover porridge - They'll have the bowl of porridge that Goldilocks ate some of, to show she was in their house without asking.
4. Goldilocks' hair or clothes - They might have fibers from Goldilocks' hair or clothes found on the broken chair or in Baby Bear's bed.
5. Any animals who saw - If any other creatures saw Goldilocks going into the house or doing the stuff she did, they might be called to say what they saw.
Evidence that the defense attorney will introduce, including witnesses:
Defense Evidence and Witnesses:
1. Goldilocks - She will testify about her perspective and intentions, stating that she did not mean to cause harm and was simply seeking shelter or food.
2. Character witnesses - Friends or family members of Goldilocks who can attest to her good character and intentions.
3. Lack of signs or barriers - If the Bears' home did not have signs indicating private property or barriers preventing entry, this may be presented as evidence that Goldilocks did not knowingly trespass.
4. Goldilocks' own broken belongings - If Goldilocks was injured or suffered property damage during the incident, this may be used to show that she did not have malicious intent.
5. Apology or remorse - If Goldilocks has shown remorse or offered to make amends for her actions, this may be presented as evidence of her good intentions.