You want to compare the number of words per sentence in a sports magazine to the number of words per sentence in a political magazine.
a. The data represent random samples of 10 sentences in each magazine. Compare the samples using measures of center and variation. Can you use this to make a valid comparison about the magazines? Explain.
Sports magazine: 9, 21, 15, 14, 25, 26, 9, 19, 22, 30
Political magazine: 31, 22, 17, 5, 23, 15, 10, 20, 20, 17
The mean for the sports magazine is 19 and the mean for the political magazine is 18. However, the sample size is small to conclude that the number of words per sentence is about the same.
The mean for the sports magazine is 19 and the mean for the political magazine is 18. Because the samples are random, you can make a valid comparison that both magazines use about the same number of words per sentence.
The mean for the sports magazine is 20 and the mean for the political magazine is 18.5. However, the sample size is small to conclude that the number of words per sentence is about the same.
The mean for the sports magazine is 20 and the mean for the political magazine is 18.5. Because the samples are random, you can make a valid comparison that both magazines use about the same number of words per sentence.