You take a trip to mail a very poor. Ountry in western Africa how is the water usage you observe there likely to be different from how water is used in your home city

1 answer

In a very poor country in Western Africa, the water usage is likely to be significantly different from how water is used in my home city. In such countries, access to clean and safe drinking water is often limited, and water scarcity is a common issue.

People in these areas may have to walk long distances to fetch water from a communal well or water source, and water may need to be rationed to ensure that there is enough for everyone. Additionally, water may need to be boiled or treated before it can be safely consumed to prevent waterborne illnesses.

In comparison, in my home city, access to clean and safe drinking water is readily available at the turn of a tap. We often take for granted the abundance of water that is available to us for everyday tasks such as washing dishes, taking showers, and watering plants.

Overall, the differences in water usage between a very poor country in Western Africa and my home city highlight the disparities in access to clean water and the importance of water conservation and sustainability.