You should write a program that draws a circle of size START_RADIUS in the middle of the screen and then animates the circle growing by INCREMENT every 50 milliseconds.

You should use circle.setRadius() and circle.getRadius().
When the circle covers the whole height, you should stop the timer.
Every time the circle grows by CHANGE_COLORS_AT, you should change to color to a random color. (Hint: you’ll need to use the mod operator %)
Getting and Setting the Radius

getRadius() can be used to find the radius of a circle. It returns an integer. For example, if the program has a blue circle named blueCircle with a radius of 15, blueCircle.getRadius() will return 15. This value can be store in a variable.

The radius of a circle can be updated in a similar manner using setRadius. Using the blueCircle example from above, the radius could be set to 30 with blueCircle.setRadius(30).

1 answer

Animating the Circle

To animate the circle, you will need to use a timer. The timer will call a function every 50 milliseconds. This function will increase the radius of the circle by INCREMENT and then check if the radius is greater than the height of the screen. If it is, the timer should be stopped.

Changing the Color

To change the color of the circle, you will need to use the mod operator %. This operator will allow you to check if the radius of the circle is divisible by CHANGE_COLORS_AT. If it is, you can generate a random color and set the circle to that color.