well, sort of ....
the number of ticket sales will increase until the maximum is reached, after that the ticket sales will decrease.
for any function
f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c, the max/min of the function is obtained when x = -b/(2a)
in your case
x = -12/(2(-.6)) = 10
when x = 10, tickets sales = -.6(100) + 12(10) + 11 = 71
I will leave it up to you to show that the sales are less for both x= 9 and x=11
You provide the manager with a quadratic equation that models the expected number of ticket sales for each day x.
(x = 1 is the day tickets go on sale).
Tickets = -0.6x2 + 12x + 11 .
Describe what happens to the ticket sales as time passes. My question is sinc the coefficient is negative and you graph downward the ticket sales would low? Please help
2 answers
Thanks for helping me solve this problem!