You overhear a friend saying, “Plastic is the worst thing that humans have ever invented.”

In four to five sentences, explain whether you agree or disagree with your friend’s statement. Be sure to include facts that show the range of impacts that plastic has on human society and the environment.

5 answers

While plastic has undoubtedly contributed significantly to modern society through its versatility and affordability in countless applications, I would argue that calling it the "worst" invention may be an oversimplification. Plastics have been crucial in advancing medical technology, such as in the production of sterile equipment and prosthetics, which have saved countless lives. However, the environmental impacts of plastic pollution are alarming, with millions of tons ending up in oceans, harming marine life, and entering the food chain. Additionally, the production and disposal of plastics contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and environmental degradation. While it’s essential to acknowledge the benefits of plastic, it's equally vital to address and mitigate its harmful effects to create a more sustainable future.

can you make it sound like a 8th grader wrote it

I think my friend might be a bit extreme in saying that plastic is the worst thing humans have ever invented. Plastic is really useful because it helps make things like containers, toys, and even medical equipment that saves lives. However, I do agree that plastic can be a big problem for the environment. A lot of plastic ends up in the ocean, which hurts animals and pollutes our water. While plastic has benefits, we definitely need to find better ways to deal with it so we don’t hurt the planet.

In one to two sentences, explain a similarity and a difference between the particles in liquid water at 100ºC and the particles in steam at 100ºC

A similarity between the particles in liquid water at 100ºC and the particles in steam at 100ºC is that both are made up of water molecules (H2O). However, a key difference is that the particles in steam are much further apart and move more freely due to their higher energy, while the particles in liquid water are closer together and have limited movement, resulting in a liquid state.