You need to find the highest and lowest sales values for your sales associates. The values are in a list. Fill in the missing code so that the highest and lowest values will be displayed.

def findMinMax(sales):


# code here

sales= [43,23,44,65,33,98,65,41,11,90,15,42]


print("Lowest sales value is "+str(lowVal)+" and the highest value is "+str(highVal))

1 answer

def findMinMax(sales):
lowVal = sales[0]
highVal = sales[-1]
return lowVal, highVal

sales = [43, 23, 44, 65, 33, 98, 65, 41, 11, 90, 15, 42]
lowVal, highVal = findMinMax(sales)
print("Lowest sales value is " + str(lowVal) + " and the highest value is " + str(highVal))