• Yellow arrow: This signals caution and advises drivers to slow down and prepare to stop if necessary. It typically appears when making a left turn at an intersection, indicating that oncoming traffic has the right of way.
• Flashing yellow light: This light also indicates caution. It is usually found at intersections, pedestrian crossings, or areas where there may be potential hazards. Drivers should slow down, be prepared to stop if required, and proceed with caution.
• Flashing red light: This signal is equivalent to a stop sign. Drivers must come to a complete stop, check for any cross traffic or pedestrians, and proceed only when it is safe to do so.
• Steady yellow light: This light typically appears before the signal turns red. It is a warning that the signal is about to change, indicating that drivers should prepare to stop. However, if it is unsafe to stop, drivers may proceed with caution.
It's important to follow these signals to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow.
• Yellow arrow
Flashing yellow light
• Flashing red light
• Steady yellow light
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