you know that 8x = 5y

you know that 3y=14z

since 5 = (5/3)*3, 5y = (5/3)*(3y) so,
5y = (5/3)(3y) = (5/3)(14z) = (70/3)z

now you have 5y, which is the same as 8x. You want 12x.

since 12 = (3/2)*8, 12x = (3/2)*8x.

12x = (3/2)(8x) = (3/2)(5y) = (3/2)(70/3)z = (70/2)z = 35z
Can you step in and help me understand where you got (3/2) in the second expression

1 answer

helps to read:

since 12 = (3/2)*8