You have been reading about the war between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848. It sprang out of a dispute between two countries over the southern border of Texas. The U.S. claimed the Rio Grande as the border, while Mexico claimed the Nueves River farther north. Each based its claim, in part, on agreements made at the end of the Texas war for independence, which ended in 1836. Each also based its claim on nationalism, or national self-interest, and a desire to expand its territory. For this portfolio project, you will explore different perspectives regarding the Mexican-American War. You will then present your findings in a short essay. Your final product will describe each point of view. It should give historically accurate facts. Your portfolio assignment has four steps:

1. Research the Mexican-American War—its causes, the course of the conflict, and its results.
2. Examine the Pearson Realize Civic Discussion Sources A–E for additional information.
3. Analyze your research.
4. Form your judgment and write your essay.

Anything like links, or answers would help.

1 answer

Gee, Google it. I would go back to the original thin Spanish settlement claim to Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and parts of other states and the fact that they did not send a lot of settlers thereby letting people from the US settle. Be sure to cover the fact that Texas etc (not so much Calif) was settled mainly by people from slave states and Mexico did not do slavery. Talk about the Texas revolution, Texas independence, and Texas joining US. THEN, get into the war between US and Mexico.