You have been on suspension for the role you played in the school riot that resulted in the destruction of your school property. Write a letter of apology to the Principal of your school, describing what led to the riot, the role you played and asking that you should be forgiven.

1 answer

Dear Principal [Name],

I am writing to apologize for my role in the school riot that resulted in the destruction of school property.

I understand that my actions were wrong and I take full responsibility for my part in the incident. I regret that I allowed myself to be influenced by the other students and that I did not take a stand against the destruction of school property.

The incident began when a group of students were discussing the unfairness of the school's disciplinary policies. We felt that the punishments were too harsh and that our voices were not being heard. We decided to take a stand and express our frustrations by staging a protest. Unfortunately, the protest quickly escalated into a riot and I was unable to stop it.

I understand that my actions have caused damage to the school and I am deeply sorry for my part in the incident. I am willing to accept any punishment that is deemed necessary and I hope that you will forgive me for my mistake.


[Your Name]