P_cr Solid =117.132 KN
P_cr Hol = 561.59KN
Thin walled tube design is better
You have 1kg of aluminum (E=69GPa) to make a cylindrical tube with a high Euler buckling load. The tube must have a length L of 0.5m. You can either make a solid tube, or a thin walled tube with a wall thickness, t=0.5cm. The density of aluminum is 2700kg/m3. The tubes are pin-pin ended; assume n=1.
What is the Euler buckling load, Pcr,sol (in kN), for the solid tube?
Pcr,sol (in kN):
What is the Euler buckling load, Pcr,sol (in kN),for the thin-walled tube?
Which design is better?
The solid tube
The thin-walled tube
1 answer