I was disappointed with my result on the exam, as I had expected to do better. I had studied hard and felt confident going into the exam, so it was a surprise to get such a low score. I think I need to focus more on understanding the material rather than just memorizing it. I need to make sure I understand the concepts and can apply them to different scenarios. I also need to practice more problem-solving and practice questions to get a better feel for the types of questions that will be asked on the exam.
For the next exam, I plan to spend more time studying and reviewing the material. I will also make sure to practice more problem-solving and practice questions to get a better feel for the types of questions that will be asked. I will also make sure to take regular breaks and get enough rest so that I can stay focused and alert during the exam. Finally, I will make sure to review my notes and practice questions before the exam to ensure I am as prepared as possible.
You get 11 out of 25 write 2 paragraph of your reflection the exam and what i have to do for next exam?
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