You evaluate a number of different temperature measuring devices in your laboratory classes.
a. Explain how at least three operated and justify why you would choose those devices for the scenario below.
‘A local company requires measuring devices to measure temperature in various situations they could use for measuring temperature in the air conditioned Offices, the foundry where they melt non ferrous materials for molding, and the outside temperature at the outlet of the heat vents located on the foundry roof’.
BTW we evaluated
*Glass and mercury thermometers
*Electronic ear thermometer
*Dual Sensor Thermometer
the purpose of this laboratory class was to only understand different types in terms of contact and non-contact thermometer and a little overview of which might be accurate.
the laboratory class wasn't much too useful and we were told to do our own research on the types of measuring devices.
someone plz help, prehaps provide some bullet points.
1 answer
1. the characteristics for each type of thermometer,
2. the perceived technical requirements of each of the three environments,
we can take it from there to complete your project.