Your gross pay per week is: $137.60 ($13.76 x 10)
Your FICA deduction is: $10.54 ($137.60 x 7.65%)
Your federal tax withholding deduction is: $13.50 ($137.60 x 9.8%)
Your state tax withholding deduction is: $9.80 ($137.60 x 7.13%)
Your total deductions per week are: $33.84 ($10.54 + $13.50 + $9.80)
Your net pay per week is: $103.76 ($137.60 - $33.84)
You earn 13.76/hr part time and work 10 hrs/wk your deductions are FICA 7.65% federal tax withholding 9.8% and state tax withholding 7.13%
2 answers
can you make sure your calculations are correct