You demonstrate that you are able to revise, edit, and proofread by effectively rewriting a paragraph using the standard written conventions of American English. To accomplish this assignment, you apply the rules and skills taught in the first four study units of this course.


Pretend that you writing to the editor of your local newspaper. Your purpose is to convince its readers that rather than solely relying on e-mail, people should mail a letter to their loved ones every now and then. Following is your first draft.

Every now and then, instead of using e-mail, mail a letter to your grandparents. We live in a fast-paced world. We feel comfortable using computers to send e-mails and Instant Message. Nana doesn’t live in that time zone. Forget all those fancy fonts and emoticons or abbreviations like LOL. You point and click but Grandpa wants to hold something, unwrap a letter and smell it. A crayoned picture smells special, no scanner can do that. Their senses want to be used. He lives in a physical world, not an invisible one. Grandparents can touch something that is mailed. Sometimes as if touching the ink or pencil on paper helps them touch the writer. A picture can be held and used in so many ways. I get to see my grandkids’ handwriting is changing as they grow. I know how they feel just from the way they write the words. Give your grandparents the real thing that exists in time and space. Something to cherish rather than to be deleted.

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please do me a favour write a paragraph according to the requirement given above