You called me home this past week
After years of war
But it still rages
I have something I must say
Though you sent me though lamestin
I was angered all the more
Though it was my fault
A crusade it was
But I must now say
What was it really worth
All the tears shed for nothing
What was it really worth
All the complaint that written on paper
Oh, what was it really worth
Yes one might try to saya
It was worth everything
Look back and see
There was nothing
There was nothing
They say far from home may seem
But I say what was it really worth
I could have stood
I could fought valiantly
Look those who did
What was it really worth
All the tears spent in vain
Over wrong things
Look my comrades in arms
Look at the other men in arms
Oh, what really worth
I could have forgiven
I could have agreed
1 answer
The lives lost and the pain endured
The destruction caused and the scars left behind
What was it really worth
When all it brought was more division
More hatred, and more despair
I question now the purpose of it all
The reasons we were told, the justifications given
Were they all just hollow words, empty promises
What was it really worth
When all we see is a broken world
A world torn apart by our own hands
I long for peace, for a chance to heal
To mend the wounds and find a way forward
But what was it really worth
When all we've achieved is more destruction
More lives shattered and dreams crushed
I am haunted by these questions, by the choices made
And I can't help but wonder, what was it really worth
Was it worth the sacrifice, the pain, and the suffering
Or was it all just a futile crusade, a meaningless endeavor
I hope one day we'll find the answers
And that the cost we paid was not in vain
But for now, I ponder and I ask
What was it really worth?