But instead we fought and bled
For a cause that now seems lost
What was it really worth
All the lives sacrificed
For a world that's still divided
Oh, what was it really worth
We thought we were fighting for freedom
But all I see is more oppression
Look at the destruction we caused
In the name of our beliefs
Oh, what was it really worth
I could have chosen peace
I could have chosen love
But instead I chose to fight
And now I question why
What was it really worth
All the pain and suffering
For a future that remains uncertain
Oh, what was it really worth
I long for the day when war is no more
When we can live in harmony
But until then, I must ask
What was it really worth
All the heartache and grief
For a world that's still in disbelief
Oh, what was it really worth
I hope one day we'll find the answer
And see that war is never the solution
But until then, I'll carry this burden
And wonder what it was all for.
You called me home this past week
After years of war
But it still rages
I have something I must say
What was it really worth
All the tears shed for nothing
What was it really worth
All the complaint that written on paper
Oh, what was it really worth
Yes one might try to saya
It was worth everything
Look back and see
There was nothing
There was nothing
They say far from home may seem
But I say what was it really worth
I could have stood
I could fought valiantly
Look those who did
What was it really worth
All the tears spent in vain
Over wrong things
Look my comrades in arms
Look at the other men in arms
Oh, what really worth
I could have forgiven
I could have agreed
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