You belong to a small business owner networking group. The main purpose of the group is to share leads, but occasionally, you discuss global issues. In addition, the group has an online discussion forum.
Inc. magazine claims, "Entrepreneurship is more mundane than it's sometimes portrayed . . . you don't need to be a person of mythical proportions to be very, very successful in building a company." Do you agree? Explain.
Why is strategic planning important to a small company?
What factors should an entrepreneur consider before choosing a form of ownership?
Noting the growing trend among collegiate entrepreneurs launching businesses while still in school, one educators says, "A student whose main activity on campus is running a business is missing the basic reason for being here, which is to get an education." Do you agree or disagree? Explain
Kinda know how to answer some of the question just need little help-thank you
1 answer
yes look at facebook