You are watching a marching band practice outdoors. Near you are two trumpet players, one marching directly towards you and one away from you at the same speed. Each trumpet player is playing an A (440 Hz) and you hear a beat between the two sounds at a frequency of 2 Hz. How fast are the trumpet players marching in m/s?

6 answers

Details and assumptions
The speed of sound is 340 m/s.
The trumpet players aren't moving very fast.
From a student with an objectionable screenname:

Physics - Sm..., Monday, May 6, 2013 at 6:42am
Just solve
440/(1 + (340/v)) - 440/(1-(v/340)) = 2
Specifically 0.7709 ~ 0.771 And please don't cheat on brilliant ;)
Whats Brilliant Can you tell Me
Can anyone please clarify?
what formula did you use???