Vo = 21m/s[41o]
Xo = 21*c0s41 = 15.85 m/s.
Yo = 21*sin41 = 13.78 m/s.
D = Xo * Tf = 59 m.
15.85 * Tf = 59
Tf = 3.722 s. = Fall time.
h = Yo*t + 0.5g*t^2
h = 13.78*3.722 + 4.9*3.722^2 = 119.2 m
You are walking around your neighborhood and you see a child on top of a roof of a building kick a soccer ball. The soccer ball is kicked at 41° from the edge of the building with an initial velocity of 21 m/s and lands 59 meters away from the wall. How tall is the building that the child is standing on?
9 answers
Shrek is Love
Shrek is Life
Shrek is Life
Shrek is Everything
skrek is my world
Shrek is inside me
Shrek and I are one
shrek is currently blasting his seed into my cavities with great force
yall annoying i just want my homework answers
stand back, i am beginning to morb