you are trying to persuade an audience that they should buy a particular brand of cereal.
write a persuasive sentence using pathos
11 answers
"Imagine starting your day with a bowl of our delicious cereal, and feeling the warmth and comfort it brings, just like a comforting hug from a loved one."
another one
"Don't settle for a bland and boring breakfast when you can treat yourself to the delectable taste of our cereal, bringing excitement and joy to the start of your day."
one more
"Give yourself the gift of a nutritious, flavorful, and satisfying breakfast with our cereal, making each morning a delightful and fulfilling experience."
you are trying to persuade your brother to stop eating chocolate
write a persuasive sentence using logos
write a persuasive sentence using logos
"By cutting back on chocolate, you'll reduce your sugar and fat intake, leading to better health and a reduced risk of developing health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure."
you are attempting to convince your class that they shouldn't drink and drive
write a persuasive sentence using logos
write a persuasive sentence using logos
"Drinking and driving puts not only yourself, but also your passengers and other drivers on the road at risk of serious injury or death, and the legal and financial consequences of a DUI conviction are not worth the few moments of convenience or pleasure that drinking and driving might bring."
you are attempting to convince your class that they shouldn't drink and drive
write a persuasive sentence using logos
write a persuasive sentence using logos
"The statistics show that alcohol is a major factor in traffic accidents, and every year thousands of people die or are injured because of drunk driving, so it's important for us to make responsible choices and avoid drinking and driving."