You are researching the following question: What causes tornadoes? Choose the best query to use when searching for the answer.

1. Causes NOT tornadoes
2. Tornadoes OR causes
3. ''tornado causes''
4. causes - tornadoes

12 answers

What do you think the answer is?
I don't think any of them are correct. All would restrict information instead of finding what you're looking for. I suspect your text and resulting tests/quizzes are outdated.

Simply causes tornadoes would get the job done. Which of those choices is closest in phrasing to my suggestion?
if u are doing Lesson 8: Digital Literacy I: Successful Searches Educational Technology and Online Learning 6 Unit 6: Internet Safety the answers are
1. A: a website that searches for specific information on the World Wide Web
2. C: Google
3. D:Search engines often provide different results, even when you enter the same query.
4. C:“tornado causes”
ur welcome
thanks I got a 4/4
thanks I got 4/4
"unicorns" is right!
i got 4/4
thanks unicorn
unicorn is correct. thx
thx unicorn
what is it i'm confused
i got a 2-4