#1: Taking the square root of 81
#2: Multiply by 4
#3: Taking the cube root of 125
#4: Squaring has 2 factors of the base and cubing has 3 factors of the base
You are given a square. If the area of the square is 81 in², you can find the length of one of the sides by _______#1________.
You can find the perimeter of the square by ______#2_______.
You are given a cube. If the volume of the cube is 125 inches, you can find the length of one of the sides by _______#3________.
The difference between squaring and cubing a number is _______#4_________.
Word bank for #1 #2 #3 #4:
:: Divide 81 by 2
:: Divide 125 by 3
:: Taking the square root of 81
:: Squaring has 2 factors of the base and cubing has 3 factors of the base
:: Taking the cube root of 8
:: Multiply by 2 and Multiply by 3
:: Taking the cube root of 125
:: Taking the square root of 125
:: Taking the square root of 81 and then multiplying by 4
1 answer