You are asked by the CEO of your hospital to contribute to the annual report. She wants you to write a five-page paper generally describing each of the ten departments in your hospital (Dermatology, Oncology, Gastroenterology, Pulmonary, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Orthopedics, and Neurology).

• Include the most common diseases seen in each department, using examples of patient cases from each department.
• Include the principal procedures and services that are relevant to each department.
• Highlight pertinent laboratory and radiological diagnostic services contributed to each of the ten departments.
• Identify the specialty teams in the respective departments and the services they offer.

3 answers

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?
You are asked by the CEO of your hospital to contribute to the annual report. She wants you to write a five-page paper generally describing each of the ten departments in your hospital (Dermatology, Oncology, Gastroenterology, Pulmonary, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Orthopedics, and Neurology).

•Include the most common diseases seen in each department, using examples of patient cases from each department.

•Include the principal procedures and services that are relevant to each department.

•Highlight pertinent laboratory and radiological diagnostic services contributed to each of the ten departments.

•Identify the specialty teams in the respective departments and the services they offer.
Discuss all the details of this paper with your classmates (e.g. what would the most common procedures be in each department? What diseases would patients present with? How would they be worked up in the appropriate department? What diagnostic procedures would be necessary for a given case?, etc.). Once you have discussed the paper in detail with your colleagues, then write your contribution to the annual report.

You may use the following example to write the descriptions of the other departments.

The pediatric department attends to mostly ambulatory patients. Our most common cases are otitis media, immediately followed by various trauma cases mostly involving fractures, dislocations, and minor surgery. In the diagnosis of trauma cases we utilize our new CT scan facility, and we have recently added capacity to perform PET scans, which we use effectively to diagnose various early onset pediatric oncology cases such as osteoblastomas, and osteochondromas. A speciality group is being formed to diagnose and treat pediatric cardiology cases, specifically tetralogy of fallot. Recently, our pediatric department identified a chronic lead poisoning case that presented only with lead colic. It was quickly recognized by our physicians who utilized the laboratory staff, which ran a complete blood count and identified the stippled red blood cells, pathognomonic of lead poisoning.
I need help on writing this paper. I do not know how to get started and I do not what to write about or how to write it can you please help me out .