Here's a start for your research.
You are a paralegal assisting an attorney who is representing an individual who has been convicted of a murder during a home invasion and who was sentenced in state court to be executed. You are assisting with research for an appeal to the U.S Supreme Court. Provide the following..
1. A breif history of capital punishment in the U.S include case law
2. An explaination of the congessional ban on "cruel and unsusual punishment" including the 4 primary dimensions as interputed by the court
3. Discuss an example you found interesting of a right asserted by inmates under the 8th amendment's cruel and unsual punishment clause and the outcome..
I'm stuck and need help starting!!
Any type of help would be appreciated, I don't need them answered for me however I do need to know where I can go to find imformation to properly answer each question!
1 answer