You are a final year LLb student and you are given a task to re write the following research problem the right way since the person who wrote it did not write it properly. Re write the statement using the guidelines for writing a research problem for a research proposal. Ensure they include these tips:

-. It should be focused on a specific issue. What it is that you expect to explore/ find in the study.
-All the other headings should follow from the Research problem: in other words, all headings should be linked.
-This is very important, if these links are not worked out in the Research Proposal phase your Research Report will suffer as a result, it will lack integration, the ‘golden thread’ will be absent.

Use the statement below:
The focus of the study is to inquire into the legal and ethical implications of heritable human genome editing and to identify the current legal frameworks and ethical considerations encircling this expeditiously advancing technology. The aim is to examine the potential risks and benefits involved in heritable human genome editing, and evaluate the safety and efficacy standards. The goal is to suggest recommendations for the regulation and governance of heritable human genome editing that promote responsible and ethical use of this technology while ensuring the protection of individual and societal interests .

1 answer

### Research Problem

This study aims to conduct a comprehensive examination of the legal and ethical implications surrounding heritable human genome editing. The specific focus will be on identifying the existing legal frameworks and ethical considerations that govern this rapidly advancing technology. In doing so, the research will seek to explore the potential risks and benefits associated with heritable human genome editing, including an evaluation of current safety and efficacy standards. The ultimate goal is to provide well-founded recommendations for the regulation and governance of heritable human genome editing. These recommendations will aim to promote the responsible and ethical use of this technology while safeguarding the interests of both individuals and society.

### Objectives

1. **Legal Frameworks and Ethical Considerations:**
- Identify and analyze the current legal and ethical guidelines that regulate heritable human genome editing.

2. **Risk-Benefit Analysis:**
- Explore the potential risks and benefits associated with heritable human genome editing.
- Evaluate existing safety and efficacy standards to determine their adequacy.

3. **Regulatory and Governance Recommendations:**
- Formulate recommendations for robust regulation and governance.
- Ensure that these recommendations align with ethical norms and protect individual and societal interests.

### Research Questions

1. What are the existing legal frameworks and ethical considerations that govern heritable human genome editing?
2. What risks and benefits are associated with heritable human genome editing, particularly in the context of safety and efficacy standards?
3. What recommendations can be made to improve the regulation and governance of heritable human genome editing, ensuring responsible use and protection of individual and societal interests?

### Methodology

1. **Literature Review:**
- Extensive review of existing legal texts, ethical guidelines, and scholarly articles related to heritable human genome editing.

2. **Case Studies:**
- Detailed analysis of particular instances where heritable human genome editing has been employed to evaluate real-world applications and their outcomes.

3. **Expert Interviews:**
- Conduct interviews with legal experts, bioethicists, and scientists to gather diverse perspectives.

4. **Quantitative Analysis:**
- Statistical evaluation of data related to the risks and benefits of heritable human genome editing.

### Expected Outcomes

1. A detailed mapping of the legal and ethical landscape surrounding heritable human genome editing.
2. A comprehensive risk-benefit analysis that highlights key concerns and potential advantages.
3. Policy recommendations aimed at fostering responsible regulation and governance, ensuring ethical use while protecting societal and individual interests.

### Justification

Given the rapid advancements in genetic technologies, there is an urgent need for a thorough examination of the legal and ethical frameworks guiding heritable human genome editing. This research aims to fill existing gaps by integrating various perspectives and offering actionable recommendations to policymakers, thereby fostering responsible and sustainable use of this transformative technology.