You are a captain of your school this school has been performing this small you are a secretary of a committee put together by the principal to investigate causes of the dismal performance write a report of your findings and giving recommendations that would benefit the school

1 answer

Report on Investigation into the causes of dismal performance in our school


As a captain of our school, it has come to my attention that our academic performance as a school has been subpar. This has been a cause for concern not just for students but for staff and parents alike. As a result, the principal put together a committee to investigate the causes of the dismal performance of our school. I was privileged to be among the members of the committee as a secretary and our findings are outlined below.

Causes of dismal performance:

1. Lack of Motivation among students: The committee discovered that a majority of students were not motivated enough to study. The lack of motivation may have been caused by the overwhelming assignments, limited or no interaction between teachers and students, and negative reinforcement methods used by some teachers.

2. Teacher Inadequacy: A greater number of teachers are not adequately trained or motivated enough to teach or have poor teaching techniques. Teachers are one of the most significant factors that affect the academic performance of a student.

3. Inadequate Learning resources: The school lacks sufficient learning resources and tools such as textbooks, computers, and adequately staffed library and laboratories. This has made the students lack the needed skills in their various subjects.

4. Parental involvement: Schools and teachers cannot bear the responsibility of a child’s academic success alone. Parental involvement in a student’s academic life is an important factor in their success.


1. Improve the motivation of students: Teachers can motivate students by giving a clear picture of their objectives for the term, establishing a close relationship, providing timely feedback, using rewards, and creating a conducive learning atmosphere.

2. Improve Teacher Competence: The school can offer workshops, encourage the use of modern teaching resources, and mentorship programs for teachers to help improve their skills. Continuous teacher training can go a long way in significantly improving students’ academic performance.

3. Provision of Adequate Learning Resources: The school can invest in modern learning resources such as computers, textbooks, adequately staffed libraries, laboratories with proper equipment, and good internet connectivity.

4. Encourage parental involvement: The school can organize meetings with parents and teachers to discuss the inspection of homework, review their ward's academic performance, and set academic goals.


It is pertinent for us as a school to prioritize and address the causes of our dismal performance. Implementing the recommendations our committee outlined will go a long way in raising the academic standards of our school. If these recommendations are put into action, they will serve as a catalyst to boost the morale of students, teachers, and parents in the school community.