yesterday morning correct
yesterday afternoon correct
yesterday evening maybe, but "last evening" would be better
yesterday night incorrect
last night correct
this morning correct
this afternoon correct
this evening correct
this night unusual
tonight correct
tomorrow morning correct
tomorrow afternoon correct
tomorrow evening correct
tomorrow night correct
next night correct if you put "the" in front of "next"
yesterday morning
yesterday afternoon
yesterday evening
yesterday night
last night
this morning
this afternoon
this evening
this night
tomorrow morning
tomorrow afternoon
tomorrow evening
tomorrow night
next night
(Which ones are wrong expressions? Can we use all expressions above?)
2 answers
While "this night" is not usually used today, it is still a phrase used for emphasis, especially in religious rites or old books.
Example: During one Jewish holiday, the youngest child says, "Why is this night different from all other nights." The phrase is emphasizing that it is this special night that is important. Using the more familiar, tonight, wouldn't have the same impact.
"Yesterday evening" is another old phrasing that isn't used today.
Example: During one Jewish holiday, the youngest child says, "Why is this night different from all other nights." The phrase is emphasizing that it is this special night that is important. Using the more familiar, tonight, wouldn't have the same impact.
"Yesterday evening" is another old phrasing that isn't used today.