My thesis before was
"Yann Martel's book "Life of Pi", shows his depiction of the settings in India, Canada, and the ocean. These settings play an important role on the character Pi as he embarks on his journey to Canada
That's not a thesis statement because you have taken no position about the topic. It's a topic sentence, but not a thesis.
Tell me what you want to prove about this topic. Was the author wildly successful by his treatments of the settings? Was he an astounding failure? Or what?
Your strong opinion about this topic needs to be in there. Otherwise, you have nothing to prove in your paper.
Yesterday, i posted a question about writing a thesis for Life of Pi. However i'm not sure how to develop a thesis from my topic. The topic of my essay is "Yann Martel's depiction on the role of setting in India and Canada". If anyone can kindly help me to develop a thesis that'll be a big help.
My thesis before was
"Yann Martel's book "Life of Pi", shows his depiction of the settings in India, Canada, and the ocean. These settings play an important role on the character Pi as he embarks on his journey to Canada
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