Yes, She Can!
Nina Sprouse
Imagine a short young woman climbing up a ladder, and stringing computer cabling throughout the ceiling to connect to a router. Imagine she is carrying large desktop computers, even servers, from room to room. Can you see her having to stand on a chair to reach the top of a server rack?
That woman in all of these descriptions is me. These are all scenes from the work I used to do as an Instructional Technology Specialist for a public school system. Stringing wiring is easy, building a computer is a little more difficult. Yes, I would take a case, and assemble all the parts by hand. I installed all the software, too. If someone had a problem with any hardware or software, I was the sole supporter of the Help Desk.
Many times individuals would laugh at me when I shared my occupation. Sometimes people would give me funny looks when I went to technology-related conferences. Most people think of men as being network administrators, not women. There are lots of people trying to change that. I am happy to be one of them.
You know what? The computer network I installed is still functioning over a decade later. During my time working in technology, I went on to earn the respect of countless individuals in the field and I loved my work.
Remember, no matter what it is you want to do, whether computer science, technology, math, or anything else, don’t be afraid; follow your heart. No matter who you are, you can do it!