Yes,I used my phone to access this site from the very first day because I'm far from home due to my studies and usually I use my phone to get help with my studies.And it wasn't until yesterday this happened.

So will I have to post it as a new question,every time I want to ask a follow-up question?

However thanks for informing. I wasn't aware of this case.

3 answers

Our webmaster has been making many changes in the programming lately, and this apparently is one of them. He is making these changes to give the website a cleaner look with fewer sections and "heavy" ads on the page. His re-tooling began a few weeks ago with the use of "today" and "yesterday" instead of actual dates. The actual dates of posting kick in when "yesterday" becomes day-before-yesterday!
Personally I do prefer the actual dates over today/yesterday because if and when we save a page, today/yesterday becomes a relative date which is ambiguous. However, today/yesterday could be an addition to the complete date to avoid confusion.
Actual date is 29th of July 2017.
And now its all resolved! The submit button appears as before.