Xian Wen:

Xian asked what was shameful. The Master said, "When good government prevails in a state, to be thinking only of salary; and, when bad government prevails, to be thinking, in the same way, only of salary - this is shameful." "When the love of superiority, boasting, resentments, and covetousness are repressed, this may be deemed perfect virtue." The Master said, "This may be regarded as the achievement of what is difficult. But I do not know that it is to be deemed perfect virtue."

Xian Wen:
The Master said, "The scholar who cherishes the love of comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar."

Xian Wen:
The Master said, "When good government prevails in a state, language may be lofty and bold, and actions the same. When bad government prevails, the actions may be lofty and bold, but the language may be with some reserve."

Xian Wen:
The Master said, "The virtuous will be sure to speak correctly, but those whose speech is good may not always be virtuous. Men of principle are sure to be bold, but those who are bold may not always be men of principle."

1 answer

Xian Wen:
Xian asked what was shameful. The Master replied that it is shameful to only think about salary when good government prevails in a state, and to also only think about salary when bad government prevails. The Master believed that a person who represses the love of superiority, boasting, resentments, and covetousness demonstrates perfect virtue. However, he did not deem it to be the ultimate achievement.

Xian Wen:
The Master stated that a scholar who cherishes the love of comfort is not worthy of being called a scholar.

Xian Wen:
The Master explained that when good government prevails in a state, people can freely express their opinions and take bold actions. However, when bad government prevails, people may still act boldly, but their language may be more reserved.

Xian Wen:
The Master stated that virtuous individuals will always speak correctly, but those who speak well may not always be virtuous. People of principle will always be bold, but those who are bold may not always have a strong sense of principles.