Xavier wants to comment on a friend’s photo that she looks tired. If he asks himself the THINK questions, he might answer “yes” to which of the following criteria questions? (Note: A “yes” doesn’t mean he should necessarily post the comment!)(1 point)ResponsesIs it helpful?Is it helpful?Is it true?Is it true?Is it kind?Is it kind?Is it necessary?

1 answer

If Xavier asks himself the THINK questions, he might answer “yes” to the following two criteria questions:

  1. Is it true? - He believes that his observation about her looking tired is accurate.
  2. Is it necessary? - He might feel that commenting on her appearance is not essential for the context of the photo.

However, he may likely answer "no" to the "Is it kind?" question, as saying someone looks tired may not be perceived as a friendly or supportive comment.

So, he might answer “yes” to "Is it true?" and possibly "Is it necessary?" depending on the context.